Signs of quality

From the moment the vine emerges from the soil, a complicit dialogue of passion and quality begins between the plant and the grower.

Few vineyards have had such an intense history as Cahors which has known both the golden age and troubles. It took a century to get over the ravages of the Phylloxera epidemic. After several decades of research and pioneering, innovation at last brought about success. 15th April 1971, the historical date when Cahors wine was classed A.O.C., consecrated this thousand year old vine. The law designates a precise geographical area for the A.O.C. vineyards.

As with all the A.O.C.'s, the wine has to pass several tests before being let loose on it's harshest critic, the public.
With the support of the I.N.A.O., the Maison du Vin assures the quality of the product whilst promoting it's image.

Sent further and further afield, this authentic wine has a mission to teach people about it's origins and it's countrymen.

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